Attention: Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Seasoned Small Business Owners...
-- But You're Not Like Most People --
-- But You're Not Like Most People --
Discover the Ultimate Solution to Building Your Business with Ease
Read Every Line & Word in This Letter to Discover...
... The 4 Key Fundamentals of Business That Are
Designed With Scalability in Mind
From The Desk of William Ballard
Dear Business Owners, Entrepreneurs (and Aspiring Entrepreneurs), Coaches, Consultants, Writers and Authors,
My name is William Ballard and I'm the founder of William Ballard & Associates, LLC. The reason I'm writing you today is because over the years I've found there are hundreds -- and even thousands -- of people who would like to own their own business but most really have no idea where to begin.
It's true, building a business from the ground up is a daunting task, and trying to do it all alone can feel overwhelming, but it's what most aspiring entrepreneurs tend to do, and that path normally leads to unnecessary struggles and setbacks.
- Are you where you want to be?
- Have you accomplished all you thought you would by now?
- Do you have the kind of business you have always wanted?
Another more important question is: what happens if you just do nothing?
The ultimate cost of choosing this path could be missed opportunities, wasted time and money, and perhaps even worse, the feelings of failure that comes from dreams that never come true.
There Has NEVER Been a BETTER Time
to Start a Business Than Today
And if that isn't enough to call it quits, you're probably thinking, William, isn't this the worst time to try and start a business?
It's a valid questions, and respectfully so, with the way things are looking around the world, I can understand why you might think something like that.
Nevertheless, there really has never been a better time to start a business than right now.
Regardless of what you see or hear on the news today, the real key to job security and financial security is YOU!
You see, gone are the days of finding or feeling safety and security in having a position within some employer.
In other words, more and more people are beginning to enter what is now being widely referred to as the "gig economy" or "side hustle" space.
In short, more and more people are becoming entrepreneurs and going to work for themselves.
You see, more and more people are beginning to realize that, by being an employee, all you are doing is helping someone else live their dreams ... which brigs me to the BIG problem ...
Not Everyone Has the Money to Go to
Business School and Earn an MBA
Truth be told, there are some misconceptions when it comes to the arena of academics -- and more specifically, in the idea of going to business school.
You see, I recently talked to a couple, and one of them made the comment, "The 'entrepreneurs' I know never went to business school."
Now, I didn't feel at liberty to say this at the time, but I wouldn't refer to drug dealers or people that do odd jobs outside of their truck as "entrepreneurs."
In fact, I knew of one gentleman that did work out of his truck ... and he did good work when it came to painting and installing sheet rock ... however, I still wouldn't categorize him as being a business owner or entrepreneur.
You see, he never paid taxes on the money he made from doing those odd jobs out of the back of his truck, and he certainly didn't have any accounting or budgeting skills.
Bottom-line: He didn't have much business sense.
Now, that said, I'll admit there are some small business owners and entrepreneurs out there -- and I mean real business owners, one's with actual corporations filed with the Secretary of State -- that probably didn't go to business school at some big university.
However, they did, in essence, go to "business school" at the University of Hard-knocks.
In other words, they learned by trial and error ... as well as by reading books in subjects like business planning, sales and marketing, time management, productivity, leadership and management, and the list goes on and on.
Not to mention online courses, or the notes they took during lunch-n-learns with local small business owners.
You see, as an aspiring entrepreneur myself, I embarked on this same daunting journey of building a business you are on right now. Like you, the road was filled with challenges, self-doubt, and uncertainty.
And, truth be told, it felt like I was fighting a monster all alone, with no one to guide me through the darkness. The weight of my less-than-marketable idea and confusing mission statement seemed insurmountable.
That was until one day, in the midst of my struggles, I came to the following conclusion: I needed help.
You see, it finally dawned on me that a business coach could shine a light on my blind spots and help me navigate through the obstacles holding me back.
This realization was the turning point that led me to seek guidance and support to overcome the monster that stood in my way.
The Rise of a Confident Business Owner
(Introducing The Business & Entrepreneurship Newsletter)
The Rise of a Confident Business Owner
(Introducing The Business & Entrepreneurship Newsletter)
Through the guidance of a business coach, I transformed my business from chaos to clarity. With newfound strategies and insights, I created a profitable product offering, streamlined operations, and secured steady cash flow.
Now, I stand as a confident and proud business owner with a legacy to pass on for generations to come - all without sacrificing my soul or losing myself in the process.
That said, the main problem I see today is that there are quite a few people that would like to start a business, and would even like to go to business school, if they could, and learn the fundamentals of planning and scaling a business.
However, they don't have the money to go to a university or even a technical school or community college, for that matter.
Did you know you can't advance further than what your current knowledge or thinking will allow?
Well, by now, I'm sure you're probably on the fence ... and so what we put together for aspiring entrepreneurs just like you is something ground breaking.
I would like to take this moment and introduce you to our Business & Entrepreneurship Newsletter.
You see, we've designed our Business & Entrepreneurship newsletter specifically for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners who would like to know more about business planning, business execution, business management, and business development, but may not be able to afford our core business coaching packages and programs, or be able to afford to go to business school.
What we've done is take our four fundamental frameworks and packaged them in the form of a newsletter:
1) Business Planning: It All Starts With a Well-Thought-Out Plan
Do you know what the highest paid activity in business is? The answer is thinking.
By now you are probably aware that I'm mainly known for the statement: "Dreamers fantasize; thinkers materialize." It is from that foundational thought that we build all of our business concepts on.
You see, your ability to think clearly and creatively will determine the decisions you make and ultimately the results you will experience in your business.
For everyone of our coaching clients, we start with the principles of business planning. Our main project at the end of this phase of our coaching practice is to write out a strategic business plan, which includes covering all the major sections (i.e executive summary, organizational structure, sales and marketing, product and/or service development, and so on).
That said, when it comes to our business coaching clients, our goal is to be able write a business plan that can be used to land investors or financial support.
For our newsletter subscribers like you, we provide the same coaching quality and value, but at a fraction of the cost. In other words, in each edition of our newsletter we will provide you with the same principles we teach to our one-on-one clients.
2) Business Execution: What to Do During the First 100 Days
You have probably heard the saying, " a failure to plan is a plan to fail." Well, even though that may be true, what we believe is that what is even worse than failing to plan is to plan, but never do the work to execute the plan. In fact, planning without execution is nothing but a waste of time.
This said, this is, essentially, phase two of our process, and it happens to be one of the scariest, but also the most fun time we get to spend with our coaching clients.
The reason I say that is because it is when we actually start working on bringing their business concepts to market. We break this phase up into two parts: 1) prelaunch 1-30 days; and 2) postlaunch 31-100 days.
Once again, for our newsletter subscribers, we provide you with exactly what we teach our one-on-one clients, but we do it through the medium of a newsletter, and at the fraction of the cost. That said, remember what Tony Robins said, "Complexity is the enemy of execution."
3) Business Management: Where Strategies Become Objectives, and Objectives Become Tactics
Every business begins with a vision or a goal, which we refer to as objectives. Objectives are measurable steps you take and are often things your team or organization NEEDS to accomplish.
From there, you identify specific strategies you want to execute in order to accomplish your objectives. The problem is, what most people tend do is stop there.
You see, they forget about the tactical side of accomplishing goals. In other words, a tactic is a tool used to implement a strategy.
How do you measure performance?
Well, it is all in how your team tactically implements a strategy that helps to accomplish an objective. These are the core principles we will touch on in this section of our Business & Entrepreneurship newsletter.
4) Business Development: Exploring New Markets and Opportunities
Finally, once our clients have been in operation for a while, and are beginning to see their profit margins increase, we then begin to look into possible expansion plans (i.e. scaling).
This is another one of our fun phases because, as a small business owner, you're beginning to really see how your contributions are making a difference in your community and in the marketplace at large.
That said, for those of our newsletter subscribers that are already in business, and are looking to expand their operations, this will be the section of the newsletter you'll probably spend the majority of your time at.
That said, the main problem I see today is that there are quite a few people that would like to start a business, and would even like to go to business school, if they could, and learn the fundamentals of planning and scaling a business.
However, they don't have the money to go to a university or even a technical school or community college, for that matter.
Did you know you can't advance further than what your current knowledge or thinking will allow?
Well, by now, I'm sure you're probably on the fence ... and so what we put together for aspiring entrepreneurs just like you is something ground breaking.
I would like to take this moment and introduce you to our Business & Entrepreneurship Newsletter.
You see, we've designed our Business & Entrepreneurship newsletter specifically for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners who would like to know more about business planning, business execution, business management, and business development, but may not be able to afford our core business coaching packages and programs, or be able to afford to go to business school.
What we've done is take our four fundamental frameworks and packaged them in the form of a newsletter:
1) Business Planning: It All Starts With a Well-Thought-Out Plan
Do you know what the highest paid activity in business is? The answer is thinking.
By now you are probably aware that I'm mainly known for the statement: "Dreamers fantasize; thinkers materialize." It is from that foundational thought that we build all of our business concepts on.
You see, your ability to think clearly and creatively will determine the decisions you make and ultimately the results you will experience in your business.
For everyone of our coaching clients, we start with the principles of business planning. Our main project at the end of this phase of our coaching practice is to write out a strategic business plan, which includes covering all the major sections (i.e executive summary, organizational structure, sales and marketing, product and/or service development, and so on).
That said, when it comes to our business coaching clients, our goal is to be able write a business plan that can be used to land investors or financial support.
For our newsletter subscribers like you, we provide the same coaching quality and value, but at a fraction of the cost. In other words, in each edition of our newsletter we will provide you with the same principles we teach to our one-on-one clients.
2) Business Execution: What to Do During the First 100 Days
You have probably heard the saying, " a failure to plan is a plan to fail." Well, even though that may be true, what we believe is that what is even worse than failing to plan is to plan, but never do the work to execute the plan. In fact, planning without execution is nothing but a waste of time.
This said, this is, essentially, phase two of our process, and it happens to be one of the scariest, but also the most fun time we get to spend with our coaching clients.
The reason I say that is because it is when we actually start working on bringing their business concepts to market. We break this phase up into two parts: 1) prelaunch 1-30 days; and 2) postlaunch 31-100 days.
Once again, for our newsletter subscribers, we provide you with exactly what we teach our one-on-one clients, but we do it through the medium of a newsletter, and at the fraction of the cost. That said, remember what Tony Robins said, "Complexity is the enemy of execution."
3) Business Management: Where Strategies Become Objectives, and Objectives Become Tactics
Every business begins with a vision or a goal, which we refer to as objectives. Objectives are measurable steps you take and are often things your team or organization NEEDS to accomplish.
From there, you identify specific strategies you want to execute in order to accomplish your objectives. The problem is, what most people tend do is stop there.
You see, they forget about the tactical side of accomplishing goals. In other words, a tactic is a tool used to implement a strategy.
How do you measure performance?
Well, it is all in how your team tactically implements a strategy that helps to accomplish an objective. These are the core principles we will touch on in this section of our Business & Entrepreneurship newsletter.
4) Business Development: Exploring New Markets and Opportunities
Finally, once our clients have been in operation for a while, and are beginning to see their profit margins increase, we then begin to look into possible expansion plans (i.e. scaling).
This is another one of our fun phases because, as a small business owner, you're beginning to really see how your contributions are making a difference in your community and in the marketplace at large.
That said, for those of our newsletter subscribers that are already in business, and are looking to expand their operations, this will be the section of the newsletter you'll probably spend the majority of your time at.
A Small Investment With Unlimited Returns
Certainly, understanding the fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship is of interest to you, or you wouldn't have read this far. When you invest in our Business & Entrepreneurship newsletter today, you're taking the first step towards unlocking your full potential as an entrepreneur.
- Gain clarity on your business goals and strategies
- Develop effective leadership skills
- Increase productivity and efficiency in your business operations
- Improve decision-making and problem-solving abilities
- Enhance your communication and negotiation skills
Our Business & Entrepreneurship newsletter includes tailored strategies for your business, as well as ongoing support to ensure your success in the competitive business world.
Making the small investment of just $47/month could be the difference maker for you.
The ball is in your court.
For an astute reader like yourself, this is more than likely a no-brainer type of decision.
You see, as you and I both know, the economic landscape is not what it use to be. In fact, the only consistent thing about the market is that when it has an uptick, there is an even greater fall to come -- and more importantly, in today's market, the ups are shorter and the downs are longer.
But being the type of intelligent and insightful person you are, you know that an investment in yourself has only ONE way to go ... and that's UP.
That said, you know that NOT becoming a subscriber today may have you leaving thousands or even millions of dollars on the table -- for anyone to come by and grab -- rather than being in your bank account, where it should be.
For soon to be entrepreneurs like you, it's true: Small doors can open up to BIG rooms.
In other words, one small idea shared here has the potential to catapult you to a whole new dimension of success.
Over the years, I've worked closely and continuously with over hundreds, and even thousands, of different types of entrepreneurs as they take giant lips towards their vision for success, from scratch.
And, I'll be honest, several of them have crashed and burned, whether that be in their relationships or their health, and I've experienced all that first hand personally.
But some have also built huge enterprises.
Why Only $47 Dollars a Month?
Why Only $47 Dollars a Month?
Did you know, it's been said that people that pay, pay attention?
Look, in all transparency ... this is our flagship product or offer.
In other words, our hope is that once you join our Business & Entrepreneurship Newsletter, and you begin to see the value of the concepts we teach, you will eventually become a coaching client of ours paying us $250+ an hour or more for 1:1 customized coaching sessions.
You see, as I've mentioned before, we understand that not everyone might be able to afford or coaching rates, but we don't want that to limit our ability to help as many aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners as we can.
Plus, you may not be able to afford all the books and courses that are out there for you in the marketplace, which is why we have done all the academic work for you.
There's MORE!
In addition to this jam packed, powerhouse newsletter, I also want to give you a personal invitation to our "Success in 3D: Three Pillars of Personal and Professional Achievement" book launch party (a $497 value); as well as free access to the Online Course when it is available (also a $497 value).
Truth be told, we only want to provide this additional value to those that are serious about starting a business and becoming entrepreneurs.
Understand, this is not a get rich quick kind of resource -- of which, there is no such thing!
You see, we are not in business to see that you get filthy rich. (In fact, you might want to read that line again)
No, instead, our vision is to be able to help you find what it is you truly love, and then help you to use that as away to make a difference in your community and the world at large.
You're at a pivotal moment now, where your choices will determine your destination. Will you stay on the same path and continue with trying to build your business on your own, or will you take a new direction towards success?
The power to shape your future is in your hands. Choose wisely.
Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to transform your business and life. Act now and receive over $5,500 in value for just $47/month. Take the first step towards unlocking your future!
Now, don't diddle -daddle around, secure your subscription today!
Dedicated to Helping You Build Your Business, and Living The Life You've Always Dreamed About
William Ballard, M.A. ECW, MBA
CEO and Founder of William Ballard & Associates, LLC
Business Coach | Marketing Consultant | Business Analyst | Market Research Specialist | Author | Entrepreneur