By William Ballard Much has been written about the subject of passion, and most of what is written romanticizes the idea. But do you know what passion really means? The word passion originates from Latin (also referred to as the language of love, by the way) and actually means pain and suffering. In other words, passion is less about doing what you love and more about asking yourself what you are willing to go through pain and suffering for. Now, it’s been said that most people think in pictures, so nothing paints this picture better than The Passion of the Christ. You see because Jesus was so “passionate” about the Church and about you and me and our salvation, He was willing to go through the pain and suffering of being mocked, beaten, and nailed to a tree and held up in shame because of that passion. In other words, our salvation was His calling (in fact, it’s in His name – Jehovah Our Salvation), and nothing would get in His way of achieving that calling. Now, I'm not trying to imply that entrepreneurship is equal to what Jesus did for you and me, but I am trying to paint a picture here that entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It takes a certain kind of person to continue going through the pain and suffering that entrepreneurship brings on a person. In other words, entrepreneurs, especially those who find start-ups, are often mocked by those they love, beaten by the cut-throat that is business, and held up in shame more times than they can count. That said, passion is often regarded as the heartbeat of entrepreneurship. It is the driving force that propels entrepreneurs to turn ideas into reality, overcome challenges, and persist in the face of adversity. It is what wakes you up in the morning to get beaten by the world once again, even when you don’t want to. For aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners alike, passion can be the differentiating factor between success and mediocrity. Why Passion Matters in Entrepreneurship